For The Someday Book

Archive for April 2013

Well, it’s been a long two months in ministry. I can’t quite believe it’s been that long since I’ve posted anything here. Things are settling down out of crisis mode, and I plan to get back to blogging here regularly, including posting some reflections on the difficult work I’ve been doing in my congregation.

March 2 marked the anniversary of the deadly tornadoes, and I did a lot of work with the local media, since I am the chair of March 2 Recovery, our long-term recovery group. That same day, a young woman in my congregation was brutally murdered, and much of the energy for my writing has been focused on her memorial service, and the Sundays before and after it, which demanded such pastoral intensity.  Oh, and Holy Week happened too–so those sermons are also available on my church’s sermon blog.

I’ve been contributing monthly to Practicing Families, including this latest post about singing lullabies as a way of faith formation, which was featured on the Mennonite World Review blog. I have a piece originally published here that was published this month in Common Lot, the women’s magazine of the United Church of Christ. (You can find the article here.)

So, while I’ve not been posting here, I have been writing regularly. The original purpose of this blog was to give me space and motivation to write, with the hopes of sharing that writing with others along the way. I am grateful that those doors are beginning to open, and I am hopeful that more publications will be coming in the future.

I have also been reading, for those of you who like all those book reviews. I usually try to space them out between other posts, but I have a whole group waiting in the queue. I will probably just post them one after the other to get caught up again, so be on the lookout for that in the next couple of days.

I’ve missed this space, and the spaciousness for prayer, reading and writing it represents. I’m glad to be back.

About Me

I am a full-time pastor in the United Church of Christ, mother of a young child (B.), married to an aspiring academic and curmudgeon (J.). I live by faith, intuition and intellect. I follow politics, football and the Boston Red Sox. I like to talk about progressive issues, theological concerns, church life, the impact of technology and media, pop culture and books.

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